FREE 5-day Challenge
How To Control How You Age

Do you want to learn how to:

🌸 Have the energy you need to live & love your life well

🌸 Get the motivation to exercise consistently

🌸 Stop being so forgetful and clear that mental fog so you can think more clearly to get stuff done

🌸 Enhance your confidence & emotional resilience, and create a sense of calm to handle life's ups & downs

🌸 Build your strength so you can be independent and mobile longer

🌸 Balance your needs with those of others and not feel guilty

Then come and join my FREE How To Control How You Age Challenge, starting Monday April 8th, 2024.

Do You Want To Learn How To:

🌸 Have the energy you need to live & love your life well

🌸 Get the motivation to exercise consistently

🌸 Stop being so forgetful and clear that mental fog so you can think more clearly to get stuff done

🌸 Enhance your confidence & emotional resilience, and create a sense of calm to handle life's ups & downs

🌸 Build your strength so you can be independent and mobile longer

🌸 Balance your needs with those of others and not feel guilty

Then come and join my FREE How To Control How You Age Challenge, starting Monday April 8th, 2024.

Want to know how you can control the way your body and brain age?
To turn getting older into a healthy and exciting adventure.

If you're anything like me, the most important thing in your life is to be able to keep doing what you love with the people that matter to you. Of course, it is. But you’re worried about your health and your future well-being. You're already starting to notice unwelcome changes with the passing years.

🌸 Your physical health isn’t as robust as it once was and you want to do something about it.

🌸 You’re concerned about memory and mental clarity. And the risk of getting dementia or Alzheimer's. So you want to keep your brain active to prevent things from worsening.

🌸 You’re sick and tired of feeling exhausted because you’re busy doing stuff and looking after everyone else. But you don't know how to put yourself first without feeling uncomfortable and guilty.

🌸 You want to enjoy life, feel vibrant, confident and be able to contribute for as long as possible, but you’re worried you won’t be able to, effectively?

🌸 5-day online challenge with Penelope as your host

🌸 Daily doable & transformative activities

🌸 Over $500 worth of prizes up for grabs

🌸 Learn the right techniques you need to take control of how you age.

Starts Monday, April 8th and will run each day through to Friday, April 12th.

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (AWST)

If you can't attend live, don't worry replays will be sent to your email each day.

🌸 5-day online challenge with Penelope as your host

🌸 Daily doable & transformative activities

🌸 Over $500 of prizes up for grabs

🌸 Learn the right techniques you need to take control of how you age.

Starts Monday, April 8th and will run each day through to Friday, April 12th.

10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (AWST)

If you can't attend live, don't worry replays will be sent to your email each day.

Many women are worried about their health and future well-being.

In fact, I’m one of them.

I think about how things would be if I couldn't live my life, my way.

Probably pretty awful.

So I've done something about it.

I’ve created a unique, effective, research-backed, and no-nonsense approach that

you can start applying so you stay fit, strong, mobile, sharp in your mind, vibrant, and self-confident.

One that combines exercise with cognitive training, mindfulness and self-compassion.

It’s a technique that I've developed after 35 years as both a Clinical Psychologist and Fitness/ Personal Trainer.

I would love to teach you this approach to help you control how you age. So you can keep doing what you love surrounded by those you cherish.

Come and join me for my FREE online 5-day How To Control How You Age challenge, which starts on Monday, April 8th at 10AM AWST

Each day I’ll be going live in my Facebook Group to teach this unique approach. And giving you a transformative and doable activity so you can experience the magic of this technique to control how you age.

(Replays will be available if you can't attend live.)

We'll be covering how to:

🌸 Tailor exercise to your unique needs.

🌸 Stimulate your brain during exercise for improved health benefits.

🌸 Apply mindful focus to elevate your exercise

enjoyment and outcomes.

🌸 Embrace the motivational power of self-compassion to prioritise your needs without guilt.

Each day I’ll be going live in our exclusive Facebook group where I’ll be teaching this unique approach. And giving you an effective and very doable activity so you can experience the magic of this technique.

We'll be covering how to:

🌸 Tailor fitness to your unique needs

🌸 Stimulate your brain during exercise f for improved health benefits

🌸 Apply mindful focus to elevate your exercise enjoyment and outcomes

🌸 Embrace the motivation power of self- compassion

As well as the daily live presentations, you can share your experiences with the activities

and get feedback from me in our Facebook group.

PLUS, there are amazing prizes to be won!!

This 5-day experience can radically change how you control your body and brain health as you get older.

Hello there, I'm Penelope


I'm the owner and founder of Fit & Fabulous Over 55.

I’m a Clinical Psychologist and a qualified Fitness Trainer. And I’ve been doing this for 35 years.

When I started over 3 decades ago in Psychology, it was all about understanding the mind. And I realised really quickly that you can’t separate the mind from the body.

So I became passionate about physical fitness, brain fitness, mindfulness, and emotional well-being.

And I’m still teaching this 35 years later in my specialised body & brain fitness classes- online and face-to-face in Freo, W. Australia.